نوشته شده توسط : Wujiang Aluminum

That, to my mind, is equally historical,” says Anuja.As the Reading Room grows in popularity, the participants are bringing letters that unravel deeper personal narratives. So I thought ‘what is a good way of accessing those stories?’ The best way to explore these stories was by using the letters received or written by participants as artefacts,” she recalls.

Maybe we are all connected by those emotions and dreams,” said Aparna Nori, a participant in The Reading Room. The intonation of the readers, their enthusiasm and boredom being in sync with and also quite contrary sometimes to the words we speak. She selects the letters, such as love letters written by Karl Marx to his wife, letters written during times of emergency and China Mini sign Manufacturers war, as well as letters on espionage, shipping and science. “It is a great leap of faith. It is important to understand that these letters are a moment in time. For example, a woman brought a letter that her mother wrote just before she died. What is exciting is that participants are bringing their personal letters. “After the Reading Room, I ask participants who wish to donate their letters to please do so. The letter written by historical figures provide a slice of history. She then juxtaposes the letters that participants bring alongside the curated letters.She also hopes that this project will help us understand how the language has changed and evolved over the years and how it is used by different people.As a theatre actor, Anuja was always interested in exploring people’s narratives and that led to the creation of the Reading Room.

“I am interested in hearing the change in a language like the difference between a letter written by an official and a letter written by a mother to her daughter.Since its inception in February this year, eight shows of the Reading Room have been held in Bengaluru and Mumbai.“Both sets of letters are read alongside each other.”

The Reading Room wants to help participants to understand another person’s emotions, experiences and vulnerabilities.“I am yet to see a collision of so many emotions in such a small setting.Shruthi N. Now, I have 80 to 100 letters from earlier reading rooms.“Before the Reading Room, I was working on a theatre project, Lady Anandi, which was the story of my great-grandfather Madhavrao, who was a 19th century theatre actor. The Reading Room, brainchild of Bengaluru-based theatre artiste Anuja Gholaskar, is hoping to change that by “bringing back the idea of sharing and experiencing the diverse world of letters”.The Reading Room invites people to read out letters they have received, or written, along with the letters curated by Anuja. So I am creating another archive,” Anuja says.Handwritten letters have become a thing of the past almost with the advent of electronic mail and text messaging. But when I heard it read out by someone else, it felt like the letter could belong to anyone. People are bringing extremely personal letters. I was interested in exploring personal stories, and I thought ‘what if I open up the performance to regular people’s stories’. One woman brought a letter that she wrote to her aborted child, which is extremely powerful.

It was like a musical, with silence being the most profound indicator of when we completely related to the writer, all ten of us,” said Ms Kumar. Kumar felt she could relate to the writer of the letter that she was reading out.Some of the participants have donated their letters. So these kinds of moments between strangers in the Reading Room are very charged,” said Anuja.. “When I picked a letter from my box, I was very apprehensive about sharing deeply personal stuff with a room full of strangers. She says, “It is a deliberate act of exposure, a form of vulnerability because handwriting opens a window on the soul in a way that cyber communication can never do. Maybe, we all share similar experiences, emotions, love and loss, childhood memories and dreams.”Writing in The New York Times, Catherine Field calls a good, handwritten letter “a creative act, and not just because it is a visual and tactile pleasure”

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 5 مرداد 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Wujiang Aluminum

That’s why my programme graphic features a sword cutting a swathe across the screen. To say nothing of his unnerving habit of making pointed references to something the subject had said, and totally forgotten, several years ago.Karan Thapar’s ‘To the Point’ has been conspicuously off the air. We proffer, with bowed head, our unconditional apology. Another couple of questions, and I must make tracks’. KT: ‘I say, old chap, have a care will you? You’re on a slippery slope. A technical knock-out’. Instead he agreed to meet us at our unpretentious office, over a cup of matka chai and dhoklas. You should have seen me at Oxford during the debates’. I select my subjects for their high degree of difficulty.

It’ll be an honour, Mr. No? Super. By the way, I hope the dhoklas are not too salty’. Given our shoestring budget, we could not afford to invite the celebrated anchor to a posh 5 star location.’ KT: ‘Damn Kindle and its free downloads. J. We await his reappearance, in another avatar, with bated breath. But Dr. And you call this a table, this battered old school desk? A pox on you’. Top that for alliteration!’SN: ‘Pugnacious, perspicacious? I’ll need a thesaurus. KT: ‘How very perspicacious of you.Thapar.SN: ‘To get back to the two iron ladies, both of them really had you squirming, didn’t they? Your piercing looks and scathing irony did not impress them one bit’. Sorry, I digress’. Tell us, of all the famous people you have interviewed on television, who were the most difficult?’ KT: ‘All of them. Fire away’.Thapar to you, if it doesn’t put you out.SN: ‘Both women’.SN: ‘Er, thank you, I guess. And please take this doggie bag of dhoklas with you. KT: ‘I think I’ve conceded enough brownie points for one evening I’ll have you on my programme next and give you a taste of your own medicine’. And another thing. Bhutto was at Oxford with you may have given her that easy familiarity that breeds contempt. Sartorial elegance personified. Don’t be fooled. The great man agreed to be interviewed in camera, which actually means without cameras, in the convoluted ways of the English language. A pox on you??’ KT: ‘Just an old English expression, when you want to curse or put the mockers on someone. But I do welcome your dripping sarcasm, which is what we love on the idiot box’. T, but they certainly had your measure. The cut and thrust of debate is never better exemplified than to cross swords with a pugnacious foe. The late Benazir Bhutto and the equally late Dr. You have a natural bent for alliteration, my friend. His subjects find his burrowing and darting eyes a bit disconcerting, as if they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Pip pip, toodle-oo, mud in your eye, and all that rot’.Satire News (SN): ‘Good morning, Karan. Can we hunker down to the questions?’ KT: ‘I like that, “hunker down”.

The author is a brand consultant who loves music, cricket and good humour. That is a very good description, if a tad understated. Jayalalithaa’.SN: ‘Right. Offence is my best form of defence, even if that meant being offensive. He is sharp, thorough in his preparation and To The Point, to accord his erstwhile television chat show its designated brand name. T. Impeccably dressed, suit and tie or bow tie perfectly synchronised to match his well groomed and distinguished silver grey hair. Calling me by my first name? It’s too soon. SN: ‘I daresay Mr.SN: ‘Actually, we have already read the book Mr. Suggest you order it eftsoons. And speaking of salt, en passant, have you read my book ‘More Salt than Pepper’? Available on Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon. KT: ‘No, they’re scrumptious, though I would have preferred fish fingers with mayonnaise. So good of you to agree to be interviewed by us at our modest premises. ‘Array of attacking arsenal’. However, there were two notable exceptions. I see them as innocent sacrificial lambs. KT: ‘Idiot box, eh? Thank you for the compliment, though it sounded distinctly backhanded. From this point on, you’re on a timer.SN: ‘Most interesting, but can you name some subjects who challenged even your formidable array of attacking arsenal?’KT: ‘Hmmm, nice one.

A Satire News exclusive. There’s a special offer on. Could do with a lick of paint’. He speaks in clipped, Oxford accented English. Makes for spicy television. You are right, of course. With our compliments’. We downloaded it for free from Kindle. My audience research tells me that most of my subjects squirmed a goodish bit under my close questioning. You described your premises as modest. More to the point, we know not why.SN: ‘Extremely sorry, Mr. Your acute powers of observation are astounding, my fine, feathered friend. Right, on with the questions. That’s one royalty fee up the spout. Jayalalithaa was something else. Won’t happen again, cross my heart and hope to die. Of course, the fact that Ms.’ Given Karan Thapar’s notoriously elusive personality, Satire News’ dogged persistence finally paid off. These diversions are pleasant but my time is precious. As in, ‘Interesting you should say that Mani Shankar Aiyar, because at an election rally in your constituency in Mayiladuthurai (makes a complete hash of the pronunciation), you said just the opposite, and I quote……. Sometimes, I act submissive, but it is deceptive. KT: ‘You’re too kind. T.. Went out of currency in the 18th century, but I am partial to a brass sign letters smidgen of Ye Olde English. What does it feel like, to be on the other side of the table, in a manner of speaking?’Karan Thapar (KT): ‘Mr. Yes, of course. Prepares the viewer for the thrust and parry’. She had you on the mat and you didn’t last the count. We hardly know each other.’SN: ‘Righty ho, Mr. T, if calling you that is not a liberty.Karan Thapar is one of India’s most respected journalists. You have a way with words. This imagined conversation took place a few weeks prior to his departure. Let’s get back to your question, lest I be accused of dissembling

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 29 ارديبهشت 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Wujiang Aluminum

But injecting into pancreas or kidney is risky. PRP is not good for diabetics, kidney ailmentsPlatelet rich plasma is nothing but whole blood without red cells.”Experts also say that the more the number of times needles are inserted into joints, the more are the chances of infection. Dr Lokireddy adds, “Platelets are kept at 22 C which makes it a good media for bacterial growth.

The results have been very good for these cases but there is a need for more studies as far as other parts of the body are concerned. Once the blood is centrifuged and its components separated the platelet rich fraction is obtained from the plasma component.Dr Rajesh Vasu, aesthetic plastic surgeon at Century Hospitals said, “For hair loss treatments, the procedure is repeated three to four times or even more to achieve better results. This separates the components of blood into plasma and cell fractions.It is currently being used for hair loss treatments, orthopedic treatments, hair transplants, diabetic foot, chronic wounds and venous ulcers.”

The blood taken from a person is injected back in the form of concentrated platelets. When the red cells are removed it is called PRP.Research studies and clinical practice have shown PRP therapy to be very effective at relieving pain and treating injured tissues before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible.

The platelets are then extracted from the plasma fraction.Platelet rich plasma therapy is used to resolve pain, promote hair growth and treat injured tissues. The small platelet fraction containing enriched platelets and its growth factors are treated with calcium chloride or carbonate to activate growth factors. Normal blood contains red cells, platelets and plasma. For this reason, one has to be careful while injecting it in Custom Wayfinding Signage Manufacturers diabetic and kidney patients. But presently, it is also being used for novel treatment methods.

Dr Padmaja Lokireddy, consultant haemato oncology and stem cell transplant at Apollo Hospitals says, “PRP therapy in tendon repair has failed to produce statistically significant benefits to apply it as a part of standard care. It is done by drawing the patient’s blood and spinning the blood in a device called a centrifuge machine. Injecting blood back into the scalp has shown that the risks are minimal. Initial results are promisingPRP procedures in the city are largely being used for cosmetic purposes like hair loss and hair transplant treatments. Historically, PRP has been used to treat patients with low platelets for different reasons to support them to combat bleeding complications. It also helps in the healing process, say experts in the medical industry who are looking at it as a future course of treatment for ailments. The blood spins at a very high speed. PRP (platelet rich plasma) is a novel treatment using the patient’s own blood to extract platelets for treating various clinical conditions. In cases of diabetic ulcers, the procedure may be repeated often as the results take time. This is done by spinning the blood in a machine called centrifuge.”. But it is being viewed as the treatment of the future as there are a lot of advantages and surgery in some cosmetic procedures can be avoided.The enriched platelet fraction is injected locally to obtain the desired clinical results

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 103
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تاریخ انتشار : یک شنبه 5 ارديبهشت 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Wujiang Aluminum

"The study is published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Taylor commented."The results demonstrate that tummy tucks do have functional benefits, as well as cosmetic ones, particularly in the postpartum population," commented Editor-in-Chief Rod J. "If you are done having children, and still suffering from back pain or incontinence, you may consider an abdominoplasty as a surgical solution. "By reducing the problems of back pain and incontinence, abdominoplasty with rectus repair leads to a better life for women after childbearing," Dr.The new findings - including before-and-after measurements in a large group of plastic surgery patients - are consistent with previous case reports of improvement in back pain and urinary incontinence after abdominoplasty.The study included 214 women undergoing abdominoplasty with repair of the abdominal muscles at nine Australian plastic surgery centers.In the preoperative questionnaires, about 51 percent of women had moderate to severe disability from back pain, while urinary incontinence was a significant concern for 42.According to a new study done by the Penn State, although abdominoplasty is classified as a cosmetic procedure, it also improves two of the most common physical complaints experienced by women after labor and delivery.Nearly 128,000 abdominoplasty procedures were performed in the United States in 2016, according to ASPS statistics. At six months, only nine percent of patients still had moderate disability from back pain.On follow-up questionnaires at six weeks and six months, scores for both problems showed major improvement. Before and after surgery, the women completed questionnaires rating their disability from back pain and urinary incontinence: two very common problems after childbearing. Alastair Taylor. Scores for back pain continued to improve from six weeks to six months after abdominoplasty, while urinary incontinence improved no further after six weeks.

.Washington: Tummy-tuck surgery or abdominoplasty which is conducted to restore the pre-pregnancy shape of the abdomen can also improve wholesale Custom Wayfinding signage back pain and urinary incontinence after childbearing.These functional improvements may result from restoring strength and stability in the abdominal and pelvic region as the operation incorporates repair of the abdominal muscle separation (rectus diastasis) that can occur after pregnancy.He believed that health insurance plans should recognize that abdominoplasty has functional benefits, beyond the cosmetic improvement offered.5 deliveries.5 percent. Many women seek tummy tuck surgery to restore the shape and appearance of the abdomen after childbearing.The womens average age was about 42 years, with an average of 2.Urinary incontinence remained a significant problem for less than two percent of women. Tummy tuck is sometimes performed as part of mommy makeovers to restore the shape and appearance of a womans body after childbearing. "Abdominoplasty has a proven functional benefit as well as a cosmetic benefit," comments lead author D. Rohrich, MD, in a featured video on the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery website.The women underwent several different types of abdominoplasty surgery; the improvements in back pain and incontinence were similar regardless of the technique used

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 19 فروردين 1400 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Wujiang Aluminum
با سلام.به دنیای لوکس بلاگ و وبلاگ جدید خود خوش آمدید.هم اکنون میتوانید از امکانات شگفت انگیز لوکس بلاگ استفاده نمایید و مطالب خود را ارسال نمایید.شما میتوانید قالب و محیط وبلاگ خود را از مدیریت وبلاگ تغییر دهید.با فعالیت در لوکس بلاگ هر روز منتظر مسابقات مختلف و جوایز ویژه باشید.
در صورت نیاز به راهنمایی و پشتیبانی از قسمت مدیریت با ما در ارتباط باشید.برای حفظ زیبابی وبلاگ خود میتوانید این پیام را حذف نمایید.جهت حذف این مطلب وارد مدیریت وب خود شوید و از قسمت ویرایش مطالب قبلی ،مطلبی با عنوان به وبلاگ خود خوش امدید را حذف نمایید.امیدواریم لحظات خوبی را در لوکس بلاگ سپری نمایید...

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